The Latest Technology For Renewable sources


Welcome To Technomax

The Latest technology for renewal resources.Technomax Solar’ is the flagship brand of the Technomax group of industries. ‘Technomax Solar’ offers a wide array of solar water heaters with several different features to suit water quality in all kinds of locality.

Technomax Solar is a brand that has made a deep impression in the minds of the Indian consumer. When Solar Water heaters vogue hit the Indian household ‘Technomax’ was the first to carve a niche in the consumer mind. ‘Technomax’ with its core brand values of innovation, perfection and transparency has become a household name. Ranked among the top five brands in its category today, ‘Technomax’ is first what the consumer ordered.

Technomax Solar is exploring newer markets globally when big players in the same segment are planning their foray into the Indian market. Technomax solar is also increasing its capability in terms of manufacturing, sales, distribution and service and surely Technomax Solar is here to play a great role in India’s manufacturing saga. Call us today.

State-Of-Art Technology

BIS / ISI Certified & Quality stamped Solar Water Heating systems

Institutional Solar Water Heating Systems

Designed to cater bigger organizations including Hotels, Hospitals and Industries